September – Month in Review

Product Progression

We spent the majority of August defining the core product and taking feedback from early adopters to mould the feature set. We launched a v0.2 on September 11th with the main focus moving away from triggers and towards recycling content.This included adding a content library, a place where all of your content lives, which gave us the ability to give further insight on content engagement.[caption id="attachment_2273" align="alignnone" width="1920"]

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Content Info View[/caption]Each content item has its own dashboard now so you can quickly see at a glance how it has performed, what queues it lives in, and the actual posts.We heard that managing a brand requires trust and two areas that were causing some early adopters to lose trust in our platform were the UI and the "black hole" of upcoming posts. Rickey, the Head of Product Management, spent a significant amount of time addressing the first issue - redesigning the look and feel of most pages and the navigation. I wish we had before and after screenshots to show; the changes were significant.We then set out to make the posting schedule clear and transparent. We now have an upcoming posts section where you can see what is going out, when, and why. There are also high-level stats so you can get a feel for the next 2 weeks of posts at a glance.[caption id="attachment_2285" align="alignnone" width="1920"]

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Upcoming Posts View[/caption]On 9/26 we released a product we've been working on for a while now - Cloud Campaign Analytics. We created a curated list of top-performing companies analytics, as well as added analytics to everyone's accounts. For the free account you can view 7 days of historical analytics. With the paid version, you can go back 60 days, and soon we'll allow a year of historical analytics.It's a great way to see how your posts have influenced your followers.[caption id="attachment_1875" align="alignnone" width="1684"]


BuzzFeed's Twitter Analytics[/caption]

Raw Stats

  • Time since inception: ~5 months (April 19th)
  • Time since Beta launch: 3 month (June 26th)
  • Total Page Views: 5969 (+22%)
  • Unique Visitors: 2525 (+14.5%)
  • Subscribers: 284 (+30.3%)
  • Conversion Rate for the month: 13.3% (+52.3%)

Customer Metrics

  • Customers: 210 (+55.5%)
  • Triggers Created: 322 (+32%)

Ad Spend

  • Facebook: $9.05
  • Google AdWords: $25.32
  • CTR: 1.36%

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September Pageviews[/caption]We're starting to see a pattern of traffic spiking during the week and then cooling off over the weekend, which I think is a really promising start. Tire kickers are being replaced by active users.

Social Following

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Cloud Campaign Features

How to Use Category Tags In Performance Reports & Content Experiments With Cloud Campaign

In this post we'll show you how to create and track content experiments using Category tags in Cloud Campaign.

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August 31, 2023
SMM Tips

5 X (Twitter) Hacks for Social Media Managers

If you're a social media manager looking to up your X (Twitter) game, you're in for a treat. We've gathered 5 practical tips that can make a significant difference in your X strategy. 

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September 18, 2023
SMM Tips

4 Facebook Marketing Hacks for Social Media Managers‍

Mastering social media platforms is essential for any brand or business trying to make a name for themselves online, and Facebook remains a cornerstone of social media marketing strategies. 

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September 18, 2023
SMM Tips

4 Expert LinkedIn Hacks for Social Media Marketers

We’re sharing 4 expert LinkedIn hacks that will empower you to expand your brand's reach, connect with industry peers, and showcase your expertise like a pro. 

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September 4, 2023
SMM Tips

4 Insider TikTok Hacks for Social Media Managers

If you’re a social media manager looking to learn insider TikTok tips, you’ve come to the right place. Learn how to maximize your brand’s presence on the platform with these easy-to-implement hacks. 

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September 4, 2023
Cloud Campaign Features

How to Automate Your Social Media Posting With Category Tags Using Cloud Campaign

This post will show you how to automate your social media calendar with category tags using Cloud Campaign.

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August 23, 2023