June – Month in Review

Product Progression

June has been extremely busy and equally gratifying. Every time I get an email that someone has subscribed (which usually come in around 2am PDT 😝), I get a burst of energy and motivation to make the platform the best it can be.A common mantra that I believe strongly in is,

"create more value than you capture"

The idea is give your customers more value, time or productivity, than they give you. So if you take the time out of your day to sign up and try out the platform, I will do my best to ensure the platform is the best it can be to help you achieve your goals. This is of course a slow process and requires iteration, but I'm trying my best to continually push out new features and accommodate feature requests that fall within our core vision.Here are the major milestones accomplished in June:

  • I went full-time on Cloud Campaign (June 2nd)
  • We Beta launched (June 26th)
  • Added support for LinkedIn company pages
  • Set up a formal support service: http://support.cloudcampaign.io
  • And tons of other small features/improvements: UI clean up, account page, "tutorial", linked accounts on account page, ability to refresh third-party account info, reset password, trigger hover text explaining the trigger types, new 404 page

Raw Stats

  • Time since inception: 2 months + week (since April 19th)
  • Time since Beta launch: 4 Days (June 26th)
  • Page Views: 2371 (+72%)
  • Unique Visitors: 792 (+81%)
  • Subscribers: 99 (+191%)
  • Conversion Rate for the month: 18.31% (+135%)

New Metrics

  • Customers: 30
  • Triggers Created: 53
  • Customer Conversion: 33.3%

Ad Spend

  • Facebook: $17.63
  • Google AdWords: $6.73
  • CTR: 2.67%

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June Page Views[/caption]June has been an amazing month for Cloud Campaign mostly due to all of you amazing

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users! There has been a tremendous amount of organic growth from sharing links on social media, forums and publicity sites such as Beta List. Their tweet about Cloud Campaign on Twitter had a healthy number of retweets (given a handful are likely bots, but still encouraging numbers).The two metrics I'm interested in most are the two new metrics: customer count and trigger count. Customer count is of course the number of people that have received and redeemed their beta access code, and started using the platform. Trigger count is the total number of triggers that have been created. Triggers determine when content is posted to social media, so the more triggers being created, the more use the platform is seeing.

Social Following


I'm hoping to have the weather trigger released by next week, as well as, support for personal LinkedIn and Facebook accounts. I wasn't initially planning on adding this as a core feature, but I can see some value in allowing individuals to use the platform and not just businesses.In the longterm, I'm mapping out the machine learning model for post outcome prediction. Essentially an engine that can predict how posts will perform (performance measured by engagement) before you even post the content. Conceptually, it would look something like this.


Request an invite to the platform

[contact-form to="cloud.campaign.io@gmail.com" subject="Sign me up!"][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="1" /][/contact-form]


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