Facebook Psychology Hack To Get More Link Clicks

You already know that psychology plays a huge role in marketing; we analyze a person's behavior and tendencies to figure out how we can better convince them to buy.We test colors, designs, copies, among many other variables. But there's probably one variable you aren't testing -- social validation.Social validation is commonly used on websites. For example, Scott's Cheap Flights has an entire section dedicated to testimonials with the sole intention of making you feel confident in your purchase.[caption id="attachment_2760" align="alignnone" width="2202"]

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Scott's Cheap Flights Success Stories[/caption]Similarly, hotel sites, such as Expedia, show you how many people are looking at a given hotel in hopes that 1. you'll have more confidence in booking through their platform 2. you will be more urgent due to limited availability.[caption id="attachment_2759" align="alignnone" width="437"]

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Expedia Social Validation[/caption]So how can we implement this methodology on Facebook? First drive cheap engagement (likes, comments) on a given post using this technique. Then retarget that post to your target demographic using another ad. This time, choose 'Traffic' as the objective.Seeing that thousands of people have already liked and engaged with your post, your target audience is much more likely to click on the link yielding a higher click-through-rate (CTR) and a cheaper cost-per-click (CPC). People naturally have a fear of missing out, and high engagement on a link, makes them assume there is something of value on the other side of that click.Which are you more likely to click on?[caption id="attachment_2761" align="alignnone" width="740"]


Post With No Engagement vs. Post With Engagement[/caption]


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